Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dvar Torah - Parashat Vayishlach

This week we are privileged to read the portion of Vayishlach. Yaakov decided to return to his home land and reunite with his father. He sent emissaries (Angels) to see what Eisav was up to. Yaakov prepared for his meeting with Eisav with three different approaches. He prepared generous gifts, he prayed and he also prepared a war strategy. Yaakov divides his camp as he prepares for the big meeting. At the same time he began praying to Hashem, that he shouldn't get killed and that he shouldn't kill others. Later in the portion, we learn of the war between Yaakov and the Angel representing Eisav fought, until Yaakov won the battle, and Eisav was forced to admit that the blessings belong to Yaakov. They (Yaakov and Eisav) ultimately meet and part from each other. Later we learn about the terrible incident with Dina's capture... Shimon and Levi kill the entire population of shchem.

In Bereishis 32/13, Yaakov in his prayer tells Hashem: You said - heiteiv eitiv imoch - I will do good with you. It is written in double language - heiteiv eitiv - good good. Rashi explains I will do good in your honor and I will do good in your forefather's honor.

There's a Chassidic explanation, which is based on the famous Chassidic expression, "think good and it will be good". If one truly has faith that things will be good, that brings about good results.

There's also a famous concept taught by Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk, that when one needs a miracle, he should discuss previous miracles of Hashem. That arouses the attributes of miracle performance by Hashem. Perhaps, maybe this is a hint to this concept. Heiteiv Eitiv - when you discuss the good of Hashem, that will arouse more good from Hashem.

There's another idea here. When one one is faced with a challenge and wants to do good, remember Hashem will be there for for you. If you say Good, meaning you want to do good, Hashem will help you do good and provide divine assistance.

May we merit to always see the good of Hashem and be be the recipient of good.

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