Friday, February 8, 2019

Dvar Torah - Truma - Rabbi Yitzchok Wolpin

This week we are privileged to read the portion of Truma. The portion begins with Hashem’s request that Moshe tell klal Yisroel to contribute various raw materials in order to build a Mishkon - a dwelling, so to say, for the Shechina (Hashem’s presence). This contribution was given by everyone whose heart desired to take part in this great mission. There was no mandatory amount and nobody was forced to give. All items are needed for the Mishkon, are listed in detail, gold, silver, copper.... Hashem also described to Moshe the artifacts and utensils which were to be placed in the Mishkon, beginning with the Aron - the holy Ark, which held in it the two tablets, and represents the holy Torah. Then there were the remaining artifacts such as the Shulchan, the Menorah and the Mizbeiach. Each one of the above mentioned artifacts had to be made precisely to specifications. All the details and measurements have great meaning and nothing is just simply by chance.

The first of the artifacts is the Aron which represents the Torah and above them were the kruvim - two birds, with faces like children facing each other. The kruvim represent the highest standard of Torah study, like children, who are worry free and don't have to go out to earn a living, they are able to immerse themselves in anything without great worry. So too, the world stands on Torah that is studied around the clock with full concentration. Another interesting detail is that the Kruvim faced each other, which is a hint as to how Torah should be studied. The talmud teaches us oi chavrusa oi misusa - either with a partner, or death. In other words, live Torah needs to be studied with others, otherwise it is dead. Perhaps that is a hint of the Kruvim above the Aron. Maybe even a step further, without taking an interest in someone else, there is no relation to Torah, upneihem ish el ochiv.

The idea of the Mishkon is that we create place for the shchina, to dwell amongst us. The Talmud teaches us that after the destruction of the Holy Temple our Shuls and places where Torah is studied, have somewhat of the holiness of the Beis Hamikdosh. By cherishing and respecting our Mikdosh Mi’at (small Temple), we will soom metit to return to the glorious days of the true great dwelling - the Beis Hamikdosh.

Gut Shabbos

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